Starting with javascript is important, it shows you the basics of object oriented programming and how a DOM can interact with HTML to edit the frontend. This principle is necessary in Django, however by using python, there is a large ...
AmFedUp Latest Questions
Asked: July 16, 2017In: لغة
Asked: April 18, 2018In: برامج
Hi, I am an Indian student looking to pursue Masters from the University of Melbourne. I wanted to know the situation I will be in after I complete my Masters. Will I get decent job offers from companies in Australia ...
Asked: July 16, 2017In: لغة
Asked: July 16, 2017In: المبرمجين
I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people. The way I ...
Asked: July 16, 2017In: المبرمجين
A friend of mine is the CEO of his own small business. We’re not very close friends, but we know each other well enough to have visited each other’s houses for dinner and drinks a few times. His business is advertising ...